Kostenlose Malvorlagen zum Ausdrucken

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged infringement. This response describes the information that should be present in these notices. It is designed to make submitting notices of alleged infringement to us as straightforward as possible while reducing the number of notices that we receive that are fraudulent or difficult to understand or verify. The form of notice specified below is consistent with the form suggested by the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the text of which can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office Web Site, http://www.copyright.gov) but we will respond to notices of this form from other jurisdictions as well.

Infringement Notification for Druckbaremalvorlagen.com

To file a notice of infringement with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified below. Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that a product or activity is infringing your copyrights. Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney.


Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon (for example, "The copyrighted work at issue is the image that appears on https://druckbaremalvorlagen.com/abc") or other information sufficient to specify the copyrighted work being infringed (for example, "The copyrighted work at issue is Intellectual Property: Valuation, Exploitation, and Infringement Damages by Gordon V. Smith, published by Wiley, ISBN #047168323X").


Identify the material that you claim is infringing the copyrighted work listed in item #1 above. You must identify each web page that allegedly contains infringing material. This requires you to provide the URL for each allegedly infringing result, document or item.

I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.


Your digital signature is as legally binding as a physical signature.

This form does not constitute legal advice and nothing that you read or are provided on this web site should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel.

Teile mit deinen Freunden!

Tonnen von Zeichnungen zum kostenlosen Ausmalen in unserer Sammlung von Malvorlagen zum Ausdrucken!

Kinder werden in unseren verschiedenen Themen wie Superhelden, Zeichentrickfilme sicherlich fündig Animationsfilme, Animationsfilme, Videospiele, Charaktere (Prinzessin, Ritter, Pirat, Roboter usw.) mehr als eine Menge lehrreicher Malvorlagen (Zahlen, Alphabet, Buchstaben, Formen).

Damit jeder Spaß hat, haben wir eine große Auswahl an Malvorlagen für Erwachsene, Anti-Stress und Entspannung. Ohne die Mandalas zu vergessen, eine seit Jahrhunderten praktizierte künstlerische Tätigkeit, und unsere kunsttherapeutischen Zeichnungen, die bestimmten Menschen in Schwierigkeiten (Krankheiten, Depressionen, Behinderungen) helfen. Entspannen Sie sich und färben Sie einfach Zen!

Aber das ist noch nicht alles, denn wir haben auch jede Menge Ausmalbilder, die Natur, Tiere, Feiertage und besondere Anlässe, Berufe, Sport, Filme, Transportmittel, Gebäude und Orte, Architektur, Kunstwerke großer Maler, Essen, Länder, Objekte aller Art und vieles mehr kostenlos auf druckbaresmalvorlagen.com zu entdecken.

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